Sunday, January 1, 2012

The motivation equation....

Are you ever frustrated with your lack of motivation when it comes to cleaning?  The secret to curing this is simple - throw a party.  Consider hosting book club at your house, a baby shower, a brunch.  Heck, invite your mother-in-law to stay for a few days.  Then plan on giving these people an in-depth tour of your home.  You will be stunned at what you can accomplish and how your motivation will soar.  Those little projects that needed to get done - finished at last!  It is amazing what this simple act can do, especially when you throw potential embarrassment into the mix. :)
The strongest factor in this motivation equation is the tour.  Don't pretend that you haven't thrown unfolded laundry on your bed and closed the door before a party or shoved toys in any available closet.  We've all done it.  The worst part about that is then you have not only NOT cleaned up the mess, you have now dispersed it, making your job even more difficult.  No, the tour is the key!  Plan on showing them your pantry, your master closet, the play room. I mean it, you will be stunned at the transformation. 
Give it a try and then email me your experiences.  Happy cleaning!

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