Cleaning Schedule....
A friend of mine was over at the house and saw my chore chart on the fridge and asked for a copy. I thought it might be helpful for others. As 'un'exciting as chores are, they must be done and for me it's a lot easier if I have a game plan. I made this little daily chore schedule for myself and I have to admit, when I stick to it, it works. I have tried zone cleaning and several other things and they didn't work as well as this for me. You need to find what works for you. Hope this is helpful.
Rebecca's Weekly Chore Schedule
Bedding washed and changed, Laundry done and put away, do grocery shopping for the week.
Sweep and mop floors, playroom pickup, vacuum upstairs, prepare lesson for Sunday.
Dusting, water plants, clean the office (sort papers, dust, basic pickup).
Bedroom cleanup, vacuum downstairs.
Outdoor care - weeds, patio, mow lawn, laundry done and put away.
Bathrooms, make meal plan and grocery list for next week, prepare mail - birthday cards, etc.
Basic necessary pickup and kitchen, make next week plan of activities, get school things ready for children.
*Dishes, cooking, and kitchen cleanup are not included because they need to be done every day.
So there you have it. I sometimes have to deviate if there is a particularly bad area (the bathroom) and clean it additional times but this at least gives me a goal. I put it on the fridge because my hungry self tends to gravitate towards there often and my guilty self will make me do the chores. :) Good luck! Let me know if you have any good tips.
p.s. Certain chores that must be done are not included (garbage, bills, etc.) because they are part of the Mr's chore schedule. :)