Monday, January 21, 2013

Dear Children...


When I was young I had really big dreams.  I imagined packed houses on opening nights, my name on a billboard, penthouse apartment in NY, stuff like that.  By now I was supposed to be in a completely different place.  But this morning as I was patting the back of my 2 month old with one hand and pouring milk over cheerios with the other it struck me that I am in the right place.  You are worth it. I dedicate my life to you and your Dad.  Every load of laundry, every washed dish is part of my pledge to you and an expression of my love.  There aren't any applause now, there aren't glamorous costumes or lights, but there are other things.  There are sweet little hugs, kissing your chubby cheeks, and hearing you call for me in the night.  You will never know the girl I was, the girl who stood on a stage and that used to make me a little sad.  But now I realize that you will know the woman that I was always meant to be and that is the woman who is cheering you on. 
I love you. 

1 comment:

McArthur Family said...

I love this and I love you!