Sunday, February 19, 2012

The "desire" timeline.....


I have been all about self-reflection lately and after hearing a talk in church today about recording your life story I am itchy to do it.  I thought I would start with this:  A short list of what I have wanted at different phases of my life.  I think making a list of things you yearned for paints a very good picture of who you were and are inside.  Also, it's fun!  :)  Try it out, I think it will make you smile to remember the things that were on your internal Christmas list. 

Wants: purely things I desired, most of which never came about - thank-goodness.

Elementary School:
*cheese (yum!)
*a cure for acne (yup, started at 8 years old - my poor kids)
*fruit roll-ups in my lunch box
*ballet lessons
*a baby named Chevrolet (weird right?)
*to be psychic
*a perm

High School
*to be an actress
*a cure for acne
*a date
*jeans that weren't handed down from my sisters
*combat boots
*to be like "everyone else"
*marry Brandon Fraser

*have a nose ring (didn't really get one, just dreamed about it.)
*a cure for acne (are you sensing a pattern here?)
*be an "artist"
*a jeep
*not be broke
*be different than "everyone else"
*be skinny
*work as a designer on Broadway

*Insert a time period where I served a mission to Brazil.  Then came home to meet and marry the man of my dreams.  Those two events changed absolutely everything for me.  Again, thank-goodness!

*still a cure for adult acne (sheesh, I'm 32 already!)
*a minivan with doors that open with the push of a button on my keys
*hardwood floors
*children who remember to flush
*various un-necessary surgeries to "tune-up" this mommy body
*find the perfect salsa recipe
*live on the coast in Oregon
*To enjoy my kids while they are still little

Oh how life changes what we think we want.  I think it's good to reflect on who we were and to delve into who we are.  It doesn't always have to be in serious, time-consuming ways.  I think our kids would probably rather know these silly, fun things about us anyway.  :)

p.s.  I didn't include anything spiritual or too deep.  I thought it would be fun to record things that probably wouldn't normally be known about me. 


Jessica P. said...

You were such a cute little baby!! You have such a beautiful family, your kids and husband are so lucky to have you!

Casey Lu said...

Seeing that picture of you as a baby first thing I thought of was Wes and a little Shannon! I had a few similar things over the years. This was a good idea, thanks for sharing!

Shannon said...

Too cute!